Sky Rebrand Ident: “Bones” Featuring David Boreanaz

I’ve gotten a few emails in the last couple of weeks from the US asking about the much lauded, latest Sky Rebrand campaign. The Sky Ident, “Bones”, was shot in London on a custom built set, shot on 35mm and featured David Boreanaz. A digital DCP grade was applied to create a cinematic feel.

It was designed to work around the  crime, action, and drama genres on the channel lineup.  Sky’s rebrand project, which originally started mid 2006, brought a premium feel relating the brand to its exclusive content as well as strengthening the family association of Sky 1, 2 and 3.

The channel refresh strengthened the flagship’s entertainment offering in what would be the largest brand refresh since the channel’s launch. The rebrand encompassed three of the main disciplines: rigid bodies, fluid dynamics and particle dynamics, and were applied to various channel packaging elements including promo end pages, credit squeezes, nav menus, and bumpers. The new brand identity had Sky 3 formed of particulate matter, Sky 2 a liquid state, and Sky 1 a strong, solid matter. The R&D and Pre-Vis phase covered an extensive 9-month period.

Jonathan Yeo directed the Sky idents, while Sky CD Andi Granger helmed with Moving Picture company to fine tune the numerical brand look.

This is probably one of the more inquired upon recent UK campaigns by clients. Thanks to Jon Yeo for the project info. Yeo (btw) has turned his creative attention to commercials, music videos, and short film. We are very much looking forward to seeing what’s next from the talented director.


Filed under branding, channel identity, ident

2 responses to “Sky Rebrand Ident: “Bones” Featuring David Boreanaz

  1. Hey! Incredible

    really like the number “2” liquids!

  2. Pingback: Channel Branding Index « Art & Business of Motion

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