Category Archives: student

Cartoon Network Reimagined


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One To Watch: With all the talk about Cartoon Network’s recent 2010 rebrand (and continued props to Capacity’s vision for the previous network rebrand), here’s a little bit of something more for all those CN fans.

British recent uni grad Matt Frodsham offers his take on the ubiquitous channel. The personal project became a passion after originally being developed as an entry for YCN (Young Creative Network), a D&AD of sorts. He adds, “I afforded the time to learn the 3D character rigging etc. while I worked on it by working it into a uni semester and working more than full time hours on it for a couple of months.” If you’re interested in reading more about his process, take a look here.

It’s a nice glimpse into the aspirations of the newest generation of mograph creatives coming out of college. Being raised in a diverse channel offering universe, they have an interesting take on that elusive blurred line between lifestyle, branding, content, and platform. We are planning on spotlighting more notable recent grads, so if you have a tip- feel free to drop a line.

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Filed under branding, channel identity, ident, student