Tag Archives: advertising

D&AD Awards 2010 / TV Brand Identity, Promotions, Title Sequences

The good folks over at D&AD dropped me a kind note and are keen on ensuring the best in channel branding and motion graphics are represented in this year’s D&AD Awards. They’ve got a solid panel of judges that are overseeing the TV & Cinema Communications Category, which is where our work in TV brand identity, TV title sequences, and TV promotions are represented.

Most importantly, the deadline for entries is fast approaching, 27 Jan 2010. There’s still time to enter with a chance at getting in the annual (and even winning a yellow pencil). You can find more info at http://awards.dandad.org/2010/landing/TV&CinemaCommunications

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Filed under branding, channel identity, industry news, marketing, promo

CCTV: “Believe in the Power of the Brand”

I had meant to get this newest :60 spot (titled “Ink”) up last week when it was breaking news, but a busy schedule (and travel) has kept me from my proper blog curation duties. Thanks to the folks at CCTV for contacting me and sending it my way. Fortunately, several years of Mandarin lessons and regular Chinese practice with family members meant I could almost speak without a noticable accent. Okay, well maybe not.

You might find it surprising the amount of interest (based on searches) there is in the Asia/Australia channel branding market. Just a few years ago, chinese broadcast designers looked to the west/europe for trends and inspiration. Now we’re seeing a much healthier balance of creative exchange between continents.

The latest spot creating a bit of a stir from agency MMIA Beijing (which has a multiyear partnership with CCTV for advertising rights/creative output) is explained, “From invisible to visible, from boundaries to no boundaries. CCTV — Believe in the power of the brand”. The :60 spot brings together traditional elements fused with modern Chinese culture, including brushstroke calligraphy, images of dragons, fish, and bird, fluidic Tai Chi movement and the iconic Great Wall of China.

I will be keeping a close eye on how this campaign develops through the next several months, and of course- sharing it with all of you.

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Filed under branding, channel identity, ident

CBS to Run First Video Ad to Appear In Print

As branding & communication platforms continue to merge, it looks like the US broadcast industry is heading for a first: CBS will be advertising its fall lineup with a video chip embedded in Entertainment Weekly. Major magazines and newspapers have been forced to try new ways to increase ad revenue to make up for the drop in sales. With video ads, CBS can likely charge more because the spot is more likely to catch the reader’s attention

CBS marketing president, George Schweitzer confirmed the widely speculated assignment Wednesday. The ad will be launched in partnership with PepsiCo to promote the network’s Monday prime-time lineup. The ad will appear in a magazine insert sent only to subscribers in the New York and Los Angeles areas. So if you’re not in these cities, you’ll get the video-chip free edition via newsstands.

Here’s some really rough footage of the demo.

The battery lasts for about 65 to 70 minutes, and can be recharged (believe it or not) with a mini USB cord. The product has been in development for 2 years. “It’s leadership in innovation, which we really stress at CBS in every part of our company,” Schweitzer said of the ads, which were developed with the collaboration of the Ignition Factory, a division of the Omnicom Group’s OMD media agency.

There will be natural questions about recycling/repurposing of chips and other environmental impact concerns. Some are calling the idea crazy, others applauding the ideas as a promising new revenue stream for a flatlining business.

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Filed under branding, industry news, marketing

UKTV / Blighty Poster Campaign

Ahh… good old poster advertising. London Ad Agency Watermill (the team behind the Blighty national poster, magazine, and newspaper campaign) sent me over shots of the guerilla poster series promoting the launch of the much talked about new channel. You gotta hand it to ’em, the search engine terms for “Blighty Advertising Poster”, “UKTV Blighty National Poster” and “Loveblighty.co.uk Poster” are up 300% since last week.

Blighty Launch Poster Campaign

Blighty Launch Poster Campaign

Here they are, immortalized for your exclusive viewing. Post no bills? No way! I’m not sure if I’m supposed to show these but…  how else do these things become viral?

Blighty National Poster Campaign

It showed up like this, don't ask me!

Blighty National Poster Campaign

Blighty National Poster Campaign

Blighty National Poster Campaign

I think the last time I posted about an outdoor TV channel campaign was for BBDO’s work for BBC World. Remember these?

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Filed under branding, marketing