Tag Archives: nat geo

National Geographic Channel Reveals Fresh New IDs


Realising that folks in the UK may not have seen these, here’s the latest work from our friends over at Nat Geo in the US. The series of new idents are aired on the hour (every hour), and “metaphorically speak to different nuances of the channel”. Culmination “represents the culmination of NGC ideas and solutions”, while Adventure “connotes a sense of excitement and discovery” (cough), and Topography is “a grand journey that captures the fact that NGC is a unique destination”.


Filed under branding, channel identity, ident

More from Nat Geo Wild 2009 Rebrand

Recently, I shared a bit on National Geographic International’s new global brand campaign for Nat Geo Wild, tagged “Get Closer”.

On Monday, I received a very kind email from Nat Geo marketing exec Megan Gilbert and her team letting me know that they are fans of the blog (woo!), as well as providing us additional video from the new campaign for the world to fancy. Here are the new clips, including additional brand spots, graphics, and the “conversation” project with wildlife filmmakers. Enjoy!

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Filed under branding, channel identity, ident

Nat Geo Wild Reveals New Brand Campaign *Updated*

National Geographic International has revealed a new brand campaign and on-air graphics package for its Nat Geo Wild channel. The materials – shot entirely in HD – complement the channel’s new “Get Closer” tagline, and begin airing globally this month.

NGCI commissioned UK-based creative agency Devilfish to develop the brand campaign and Argentinean-based Medialuna design studio for the new graphics package. The “Get Closer” tagline and four “B-roll” brand spots created by Devilfish illustrate the extent to which Nat Geo Wild and its filmmakers will go to bring viewers into the very heart of the natural world. Inspired by National Geographic wildlife filmmaker stories from the field, the 30 and 45 second brand spots recreate these extraordinary moments from narrowly escaping a treacherous fall while filming on a remote mountain cliff to wading through leech-infested waters in search of howler monkeys.

Inspired by wildlife film-makers’ stories, the 15 HD spots include treacherous mountain falls and people wading through leech-infested waters.

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Filed under branding, channel identity, ident

Nat Geo IDs first to be shot in Zero Gravity

Brothers and Sisters Creative Director Steve Shannon creates stir with first of a kind IDs for National Geographic. Admittedly, we’ll soon be running out of content if we’re now shooting spots in NASA-styled space suits.

Interestingly, Nat Geo ran a promo campaign prior titled “What would you like to see floating in Zero Gravity?”I would have suggested a hippopotamus or jellyfish, but I digress. Nice viewer interaction tie-in.

Props to the team at the London-based agency for their ingenuity. A special thanks to Fran for always responding to my emails within (what seems like) mere seconds.

Here are the idents as well as a ‘making of’ vignette.

You can read more about the production here.

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Filed under branding, channel identity