First Glimpse: NBC 2009 Rebrand

Looks like a lot of people have been searching for info on the new look NBC has just unveiled on-air. I’m still in the UK but have been able to get some shots of the new package which infuses bursts of stunning color onto the iconic brand. Not surprisingly, we’ve come to find out that NBC is working with LA-based Capacity (who were also awarded and developed the 2006 NBC rebrand) to deliver the much applauded new rebrand. Just a few shots for now, but I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of the on-air campaign roll out over the next few weeks.


Filed under branding, channel identity, ident

7 responses to “First Glimpse: NBC 2009 Rebrand

  1. Really enjoying the color and personality I’m seeing on NBC- what’s up with some channels looking so sour? This is quite nice.

  2. Shirley Kent

    I like the new look- the new on air animation is really crisp and beautiful.

  3. I have really enjoyed the look of the network in the past few years. I’d really like to hear why the network has felt it needed to add so much personality to the air, though. The look in stills is great, but in execution it seems a bit forced and campy. I liked the character vignettes they had last year, but not loving where it has continued along. I hope that I like Trauma though…it is on the DVR now….

  4. I think the first spot I saw was a Jay Leno ID. Everyone is going to have an opinion on these, but I personally feel the package is eyecatching and well executed. Love to know how long this campaign took to produce.

  5. @Connor

    Not sure exactly what you mean by “why the network felt it needed to add so much personality”?

    Has personality become some sort of negative distraction in how channel brands are presented?

    As a media buyer, I totally disagree.

    The latest Telemundo package (if you’ve seen it) is a specific example of dull and lacking in personality. Well finished, but lacking in soul.

    I, for one, think the latest NBC work looks pretty darn good, would just like to see more of it.

  6. Pingback: MTV, FX, NBC- Top Views September « Art & Business of Motion

  7. Pingback: NBC 2009 Rebrand “More Colorful” « Art & Business of Motion

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