Tag Archives: taglines

Animal Planet’s New Tagline, Campaign: Surprisingly Human


Today, Animal Planet formally announced a bit of news that has been quietly circulating behind the scenes for some time. The Discovery Communications owned channel is continuing the brand transformation (from 2008) with a new network campaign and tagline, “Surprisingly Human”.

Victoria Lowell, senior vice president of marketing and operations for Animal Planet Media, tells us that the campaign “challenges everything people thought they knew about the brand with a direct, yet provocative, message that’s guaranteed to change perceptions.” To get the message out, the network is airing the new brand spots on a few blockbuster shows including American Idol, Lost, Survivor, and Dancing with the Stars.

This comes off a 25 continuous months of ratings growth for the network. “There is no human world separate from the animal world,” says president and general manager Marjorie Kaplan. “We all inhabit one large, living planet, and the stories we can tell at the margins where humans’ and animals’ lives intersect make for terrific entertainment.” The new campaign was developed in-house by Animal Planet Marketing and Discovery Creative.

Here’s a glimpse of the new campaign, what do you think?

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Filed under branding, channel identity, ident